WE are living in strange days and unchartered waters, but we are all in this together, please remember you are not alone, it is important to be resilient and to keep the vibes high.
Here are ten little things to help keep your vibe high all super simple but sometimes if good to have a reminder…
Eat well cook check out recipes in books and online, perfect a new signature dish
Make something get creative, draw paint, sew or more
Finish incomplete tasks
Move things around your home think art, objects and furniture it gives your space a fresh feel and new energy.
listen to a great podcast
Read a great book or even one thats heavier on the pictures
Do all those things you don’t have time for normally
phone a friend of video chat (why haven’t I done this before!)
Upskill Learn new things I am using Mailchimp Canva dropbox link tree like a pro now (well almost) If I can you can too!
Fresh deliveries support local search for local fresh food deliveries
Pets make the most of time at home with your pets
Play fun music have a dance and treat yourself to an end of the day cocktail(just one)
thanks take care out there/stay in Jason
Got a great tip let me know here
Style notes
Chair Daniel Boddam
Cushion and Blanket Pampa
Consol Bludot