sipp instant

I love discovering awesome new products by people that care about the planet


Winter vibes wearing McTavish


CHANGE We can’t rely on our government here in Australia and sadly in many other countries across the globe We need to be the change  Let’s get woke and whist we are at it let’s all be a little kinder to each other, despite all of our differences we are all human and all equal […]


Time flies it’s been 5 years today with Sophia since we drove all the way from Sydney to Sale in Victoria (9 hours!)


Not everything needs to cost a lot, some of the best things are found treasures, case in point these branches I have collected recently usually on a Sunday walk in my neighbourhood.

good morning

There’s no better way to start the day in Byron Bay, wake up, a walk on the beach, meditate, swim and then coffee. Ahhhh the simple things in life why do we make things so complicated!