
first look mjg aw17

Here’s your exclusive first look at MJG AW17 collection (coming real soon) online and in stores late February. Ok we haven’t given much away but this is one of my favourite blankets from the new collection – we are holding trade and media only showings in Sydney February 15th and 16th February showing our latest  collection – email us […]

display wall how to with mjg and canon

I have partnered with Canon to share some styling tips about printing and putting your photos on display in your home – I’m here to help get you inspired! Your space should be filled with things you love and that tell a story. It is important to add your very own personal touch. Of course, […]

fiat 500x road trip

Over the break I drove road trip to Paradise and back with thanks to Fiat and an upgrade to the Fiat 500x Heres my top 5 tips for making your road trip great 1.Plan your trip 2. stop often and not just to take snaps but to rest (ok you can stop often to rest and […]

print your holiday snaps

So I printed all my holiday snaps straight from my Phone with the Canon Sephy Printer I wasn’t sure where to put them so I stuck them (with blutack) onto an existing framed print to display them and to keep the holiday feeling alive! A fun and simple project anyone can do and a great […]

holiday flashbacks

Im back at the desk today, ready for an exciting year ahead, its going to be great I can feel it! But I’m still holding on to that holiday feeling – I had the best break – I hope you did too! Just incase you missed them on Instagram here are some of my favourite […]

hello Atlantic (new website)

I have arrived in Paradise just in time! After (most of) the crowds have left – phew! but also just in time to unveil the new look website of my friends at The Atlantic Byron Bay. Awhile back I worked with one of my favourite humans Kimberly Amos one half of the brains/owners of The Atlantic. […]

thanks 2016

    2016 has been a BIG year despite the picture perfect Instagram edit it’s not been the easiest of years but we made it! With the good theres always the not so good, but I always like to find the positive! Thanks for being a part of my adventures and for all the good […]

merry christmas

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Hoping you have a wonderful day with friends and family… Christmas for me is all about summer here in Australia, taking a break and never being far from the beach, spending time with family and friends and simple traditions. Its a great time of the year but not for everyone, its […]

make your own photobook with canon and photopico

I am excited to have teamed up with Canon Australia to inspire you to print your photos and also put them on display in your home, the first project is making your very personalised photobook So when you love Bondi, Byron Bay and your Boston Terrier ( Sophia) so much like I do! what better way […]

mjg store out post at newrybar merchants

Its been a while since we opened our very first MJG Store retail outpost at Newrybar Merchants, but Im excited to share with you (finally) these shots! Located just a short drive form Paradise (Byron Bay) Newrybar Merchants is an awesome space that I share with a bunch of other cool creatives, together we present a […]

nikau store now open

Now open Nikau Store Byron Bay My friends in Byron Bay have opened a brand new plant, clay and home Emporium head in store here for feel good Jungle vibes, the store is filled with a unique mix of hand made wares and beautiful botanicals – plant and ceramic heaven! You will also find Ceramics […]

2017 st George open air cinema program

Today The 2017 St George Open Air Program has been revealed YAY! I’m excited to be one of their ambassadors this season, seeing movies under the stars with a view of The Harbour Bridge and the Opera house doesn’t get more Sydney! – its the hottest ticket this summer! There are so many great movie […]

lets get merry

Its December, Christmas is coming well actually for a stylist its been here for quite awhile already. This year I have decided for a simple Christmas at Home. I made a Little Merry (literally) and added a cute little tree and that all… For the “cheers “and “merry” letters I printed out templates I downloaded […]

fiat christmas vibes

How is it almost December – Christmas is coming! Last week whilst in Melbourne Sophia and I headed into the Fiat Australia Offices to decorate their Christmas tree We loaded up the festive (red) Fiat 500 X and picked up our tree and decorations… We had a fun morning trimming the tree with beautiful vintage […]

jones & co bondi now open

Jones & Co open their first retails store in Bondi Beach. Revealing a contemporary take on a gift emporium with an exciting new concept that celebrates the art of gift giving and showcases all of the handmade designs the brand is famous for. Jones & Co founder Jennifer Jones is a Bondi local who understands the […]

wayside chapel book

I proud to share news that The Wayside Chapel has released a coffee table book, called Wayside. The Wayside Chapel, in the heart of Sydney’s Kings Cross, is a meeting place for people from all walks of life — have-nots and haves, homeless and housed, atheists and believers, lost and saved, sick and well. Im proud to be one […]

charity project 2016

The third edition of Chairity Project is now live. Each year Cult ask a number of creatives to re think, re-imagine and add their own style to a chair this year the incredible reinventions of the Officina chair are next level – bid on your favourite chair  to help fundraise for some amazing charities. The clever […]

corner house bondi – Banquet with the Wine Maker: Claus Preisinger

Join The Corner House Bondi ( A local Bondi favourite of mine) and Austrian biodynamic enologist, Claus Preisinger for a 4 course banquet style dinner showcasing top wines from Burgenland, Austria. With the support from one of Australia’s leading and avant-garde importers, Lo-Fi Wine’s Mr. James Audas & Mr. Tom Sheer, we welcome Claus to delve […]

pop + scott / pampa byron bay showroom

Collaboration is the key we are stronger together case in point the new Byron Bay Showroom shared by Pop + Scott and Pampa Its an amazing warehouse space filled natural light and many beautiful things, it’s filled also with heart and soul also you will fine amazing bespoke timber furniture, home wares, plants, pots, prints, floor rugs and […]