Introducing The Serif by Samsung

A spacious interior doesn’t mean it has to be a large space, it’s about using your space efficiently.
I prefer to avoid the visual clutter at home, keeping things stream lined and organised is important.
My home, a considered blank canvas also helps to sooth the eye ( I love a white wall and floor) plus suitable storage in every zone of your home is key to maximise space. A great tip is to group like objects together to create a harmonious space.

I love the concept of Samsung’s Eco-Packaging, it’s all about creativity and thinking differently to make something for your space from the packaging the TV comes in. It’s really great when a brand chooses to lead the way with thinking to create a shift, I really do carefully consider my personal impact on the environment and have always loved creativity, reusing and rethinking.

I love adding natural elements and personal touches to my home, I have to real really want, need or love something ( or all three) for it to make it into my home, all thoughtful and considered additions

Starting piece or point, when decorating a room think about a piece that grounds or defines a space. It’s always good to have a piece that is the “hero” piece, something that everything else works around. This could be an artwork on the wall, a piece of furniture or a beautiful TV like The Serif.

I love creating vignettes in my home, styled up moments be it on a dining table, console, shelf or bedside table and books are always a great styling tool

I love a simple clean white palette its the base for my home, lived in and not cold I love using materials to make my home look and feel comfortable

Creating a home that is me is really is important our homes are a reflection of who we are; love your home and love who you are
Style notes
Floor rug Pampa
Console Bludot
Sofa Scout
Timber stool Mark Tuckey
large resin shell Pineapple Traders
Yellow Chair Thonet
large vase ( on console) Melissa Le Llouche
Whale tail vase Clay Canoe