Sweet dreams as the sun sets, Tonight makes tomorrow…
My evening ritual includes my morning ritual (making the bed) there’s nothing better than getting into a freshly made bed, its one of my favourite luxuries. In the evening (as my days are super busy) I try to have an hour before bed with no screens, usually a pod cast, I’m either on or off there’s not really an in between mode. Im a night owl so I usually stay up late, its often a time of thinking and ideas, I like the energy of the evening theres a sense of calm and creativeness different to the day, I like to get everything prepared for the next day, if this is a physical or even just a mental list (its always better to write things down) Im so not a morning person.
When Sheridan Australia ask you to shoot something special you up the ante and call in someone who gets your crazy ideas
Organic, natural creativity over just styling
Making magic with Jessie Prince
We had a plan, but nothing over thought, threw some things in the car, found a nice spot, Jessie climbed a tree whilst I made the bed and we got the shot nothing too tortured!