
cockatoo island highlights

Today I headed to Cockatoo Island with a group of friends to check out the 17th Biennale of Sydney, we had a wonderful day in the sun checking all kinds of art displays, there was plenty to see here are some of my highlights. It’s on until the 1st of August and well worth checking […]

colour candy

It’s fun when I get to choose paint colours for decorating stories and thanks to Dulux I have a BIG book to choose from, I of course love white, I am also a big fan of all shades of grey, love a bold hit of a bright hue and also tend to warm towards  muteed tones […]

always sunny in bondi

I popped across to Bondi on my hunt for items for a shoot today and I visited Silk Route a gorgeous Moroccan Home wares store, where I learnt that they are the largest importer of moroccan glassware and leather ottomans in Australia. A great day to be out on the street in Bondi-even just for a minute…

i want carrie’s cushion

Ok all you haters I didn’t hate SATC2  BUT I did also love Carrie’s cushion, oh and the gratuitous shoe shots too,  I found the cushion thanks to Paula Joye at Life Styled, the cushion is The Birdie Blossum Cushion By Paul Smith made by the Rug Company and is very cute…

Hello Sandwich Tokyo Guide

The world of magazines and blogging can be a little unusual. Reading someone’s blog you have never met, or seeing on page credits for a writer or stylist you feel like you know but don’t. We all feel a certain bond by what we all do and being in the same industry. Hello Sandwich AKA […]

everyone loves sportsgirl

Sportsgirl always do good window displays and this colourful and fun window caught my attention…

market imports arrives in sydney

Everyones favourite Melbourne store has just opened its doors in Sydney, Favoured by magazine stylists its well know for its colourful collection of tableware and more  from Spain, Italy and Mexico. A burst of colour we all need in the winter months! Market Imports 27 Bay Street Double Bay 02 9328 7009

butterfield tate gallery

The other day I was driving around and something caught my eye… so i had to stop. I’m not sure what it was that beckoned but the entrance to this semi industrial space had something that drew me in. I stepped inside and my instincts were right. Butterfield Tate Gallery and its Owner Hazel were divine, […]

busy bee

Its a busy but fun time before a BIG decorating shoot, this week I raced around on a mission, Its great being inspired by what you find in store I popped by Have you meet Miss Jones and Mitchell Road Auctions and Antique Centre and a heap of other places and of course there is always those […]

street art spotted

Spotted outside Wall Two 80 Cafe in Downtown Balaclava, Oh and they make great Coffee too!

sharing blog love

I shared about inspiring designers Doshi Levien on a guest blog post on dailyimprint

sally campbell pop up shop

Today I popped in to see Sally Campbells “pop up” shop  She is no doubt the queen of hand made textiles, the store is stocked full of divine quilts, rugs, bags, table cloths and more Check out her store from the 29th of May – 10th June  At Shapiro Gallery 162 Queen Street Woollahra  Mon-Friday […]

as seen in

Life is full of surprises, I was pleasantly surprised the other day when i turned the page (page 148) of the latest Elle Decoration UK (June issue) one of my favourite International magazines and had a sense of dejavu, I’ve seen this before, I have been there before.. . alas when i looked at the credits to […]

HOT shop window

I find inspiration everywhere, today I walked past dedece and loved this window display Tom Dixon hands down is one of my favourite designers, I love love these lights and the neon stools!

cool art idea/inspiration

Im not always convinced about DIY Art i guess it’s all in the execution… Spotted above the counter at The Corner Store by fellow blogger AMS a cute idea if you’re game to paint over a photo or perhaps a photocopy if you’re not so daring! ( Oh and a good frame always helps!)

saturday shopping at the society inc.

Despite the rain today I decided to check out Sibella Courts latest incarnation at The Society Inc, her latest theme in store is NbyNW there’s a distinct “explorer of the high seas” theme going on with lots of red and blue and I LOVE the painted Union Jack Floor. I was lucky enough to chance […]

new online store

One of my favourite little Sydney stores has just made life a whole lot easier. The  lovely Susan from Cotton Love Home has just launched her  online store. Shop here for a selection of gorgeous home wares and gifts. Check out some beautiful and WELL priced items!!

weekend shopping-one of a kind

Tucked away in Darley Street Darlinghurst One of a Kind is just that. A tiny little store with some great Menswear Labels such as Claude Maus, Vanishing Elephant and Three over One One of A Kind 114 Burton Street (enter Darley Street) Darlinghurst PS it’s possibly the most beautiful shop front around!

euroluce new showroom opening

Tonight I headed to the opening of Euroluce’s new showroom (just around the corner from The Beresford)…., lighting up the cool Sydney night with amazing projections on the exterior of the showroom which was filled with stylish lighting…gelato, negroni’s and cannoli were all part of the Italian flavour of the evening.  Euroluce2 Hill StreetSurry Hills