
Into the blue

Creative space Constantly evolving  Always looking for better ways to work and let the creativity flow. Fortunate to have a great creative studio space where I can chase the good light – write, design, style and photograph etc  It’s a multifunctional space (helps that my work bench is on wheels too) I believe in the […]

world ocean day

World ocean day today I love the expression “the ocean fixes everything”. But let’s be mindful that we can’t let it get to the point were we can’t fix the ocean The ocean is our biggest resource but it’s not an endless resource, we must respect it and it’s inhabitants too we need to preserve and protect […]


I love foraging and arranging flowers (especially on the weekend) I find it quite relaxing and therapeutic. Im not a florist but I do enjoy giving bouquets to special people. Vase Dinosaur Designs


Instagram is my mood-board ( and also here too on my journal) really it’s just a great business card for what I do – I probably could do it better but I like to freestyle and hey I’ll be honest I’d love 100k followers (but that’s just the ego talking) I share my style and […]

National sorry day

National Sorry Day (today) With respect to our first nations people from where I stand, live and write this on Arakwal Bundjalung Nation We acknowledge all First Peoples of this land and celebrate their enduring connections to Country, knowledge and stories. We pay our respects to Elders and Ancestors who watch over us and guide Aboriginal […]

super bloom

These wild yellow flowers (Mexican sunflowers) have popped up everywhere a bit of a super bloom perhaps from the sunny days and a bit of rain, I have seen them along the side of the road growing wild everywhere. I’m always partial to a pop of yellow and couldst resist but forage a big bunch […]


I have always been connected to nature, its my escape and its where I feel the most calm and nurtured. It is always my inspiration, where I have my best ideas and clear thoughts. Connect to the earth barefoot everyday ( minimum 2 minutes) its an instant grounding and recharge.


7 years ago today. I got out of the car and Sophia ran across the yard and leapt into my arms


Love, light and gratitude  What a gift Today I received the most amazing consultation, treatment and experience from the magical Jeannie and her team Venustus If you haven’t been you must Never felt so good! Feeling revitalised, renewed, reenergised and ready Thank you


ProductivityBecause I work solo a lot of the time on the daily when I’m in my studio, I often at the end of the day feel like I haven’t completed nearly enough, yes I am hard on myself and learning now that this isn’t the way forward.It’s not until I chat with friends usually on […]

this is the way (forward)

Some things I once found desirable no longer captivate me – some things however will always be my passion and I will hold these close Every now and then it’s time to recalibrate and see things differently with fresh eyes and to remember what is important Maybe I’ve just realised that I have always valued art over […]

new playlist

Music is medicine here is my latest super low key new play list Listen here on Spotify

this is the way

One of a kind  There is beauty in simplicity  Vintage and nature are always top of my list, usually just thrown together I don’t want things that everybody has anymore I want to just create for me So bored with everything looking the same, everyone doing the same thing – all the interesting people that […]


It’s important to filter the news we read and share and it’s important topay attention and to make our voices heard and demand change. This year in Australia it’s been devastating floods last year devastating bush fires (with a pandemic in between) Our government continues to allow our endangered wildlife’s habitat to continue to de […]

Natural wonders

See everything differently… Creativity is always key, just in case your wondering where all those nature finds end up… A simple long lasting and unexpected arrangement ( found after a storm) the best part this was free!

Star Wars day

Happy Star Wars day! May the fourth/force be with you! Always a fan always a favourite.

sunset shades

Sunset (my take on terracotta) seems to be the stand-out favourite to the new colour additions to My encaustic tile collection with Di Lorenzo Tiles Click here to see my full collection Photography and Styling Jason Grant

weekend foraging

A Sunday well spent always involves a little bit of foraging. Followed by a bit of play in the studio. Seed pods and other fallen finds are always making their way home to my place, in a vase or hung up I like their sculptural forms.

work zone

In the zone, my studio is a creative space where I mix tech with the tactile and treasures. Its definitely not neat, bordering sometime on creative chaos.I work from a vintage work bench often mixing screen time with the analog, its on wheels so I chase the good light. Its all work in progress, samples, […]

Earth day

Every day should be earth day, lets respect the earth and mother nature and tread more lightly.